Monty Python’s Big Red Book

Monty Python’s Big Red Book is a compilation of sketches, songs, and essays written by the Monty Python comedy group. It was first released in 1971 and has been reprinted many times since then. The book is an important part of the history of British comedy, and it is still talked about today.

Overview of Monty Python’s Big Red Book

Monty Python’s Big Red Book is a compilation of sketches, songs, and essays written by the Monty Python comedy group. The book was first published in 1971 and was a major success. It was later re-published in multiple editions, with new material added. The book contains a variety of sketches and essays that explore different aspects of British culture and comedy. It is often referred to as the “Bible” of British comedy.

Comedy Content of Monty Python’s Big Red Book

The comedy content of the book is varied and includes sketches, parodies, and songs. Many of the sketches in the book are classics, such as “The Lumberjack Song” and “The Argument Clinic”. The parodies and songs in the book are also widely known, such as “The Philosophers’ Song” and “The Spanish Inquisition”. The essays in the book explore a variety of topics, ranging from the history of British comedy to the craft of writing comedy.

Impact of Monty Python’s Big Red Book

Monty Python’s Big Red Book has had a lasting impact on the world of comedy. It has been credited with inspiring a generation of comedians and writers, and has been cited as an influence on many other comedy works, such as The Simpsons and South Park. The book has also been praised for its writing and creativity, and is still widely read today.

Popularity of Monty Python’s Big Red Book

Monty Python’s Big Red Book has been popular since its initial publication in 1971. It has been reprinted numerous times and continues to be widely read and discussed by comedy fans around the world. The book has been praised for its wit, humor, and inventiveness, and its influence on comedy can still be felt today.

Legacy of Monty Python’s Big Red Book

Monty Python’s Big Red Book has left a lasting legacy on the world of comedy. It has been cited as an influence on many other comedy works and has been credited with inspiring a generation of comedians and writers. The book has also been praised for its writing and creativity, and is still widely read today. It is a testament to the power of comedy and the impact it can have on culture.


Monty Python’s Big Red Book is an important part of British comedy history. It is a compilation of sketches, songs, and essays written by the Monty Python comedy group. The book has been reprinted numerous times and continues to be widely read and discussed by comedy fans around the world. It has left a lasting legacy on the world of comedy and is a testament to the power of comedy and the impact it can have on culture.